
Is this Puzzle complete?

.....and do these pieces fit together properly ?


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My answers are often different from yours...

Think about the following thought for a few moments.....
Based on something catastrophic happening

'Will my
lifestyle and the lifestyle
of those closest to me
be sustainable tomorrow
based on the contingency planning I now have in place?'

A sampling of questions to ponder:

* Is my home properly insured?

* Is there adequate insurance for flood, fire, theft?

* Do I need a 'Rider' for some higher valued possessions?

* Do I have the medical , disability and life insurance coverage to protect my lifestyle?

* Do I have a retirement plan?

* Does my will reflect the most advantageous outcome for the beneficiaries of my Estate?

* What about trusts?

* Income tax considerations?

* Succession planning for businesses?

* Are my heirs as well protected as they might be?

* What about long term disability...partial or total?

The list of questions can be as long as our collective imaginations will allow. There may be no answers that are perfect, yet we owe it to ourselves, Asset#1, and often others to consider these questions and make every reasonable effort to answer them and then ...

It often requires the expertise of the various experts you know and trust to deal with these issues. It is, perhaps, most wise to attend to this reality as a 'big picture' consideration that requires a 'big picture' resolution.

It may be most valuable to somehow coordinate the expertise of your professionals. Generally they don't work as a collective so it becomes your challenge to coordinate the considerations and options that are significant to your unique situation....... It's difficult to know where to start? Yes it is!

Money Matters do tend to be seen as being complex. They are for me. There are ways to protect our lifestyles (as well as we are able) that should be considered today.

There always seems to be more to consider when it comes to money matters.

Do you have more questions? Please share them. See the Newsletter page for more information.